© Rosa Chavez
Like most contemporary artists, Rosa Chavez is inspired by multiple art styles and movements. Looking through her portfolios, collectors will find that she is influenced by a mixture of abstraction, minimalism and figurative painting styles. These sots of influences allow her to create the unique energy found in her work; from peaceful yet joyful marinas where boats are docked, to her energetic regattas where you feel the intensity of the race being portrayed by the long strokes of paint. She uses color, texture and basic shapes throughout her work to create the energy one feels while sailing out in the open water. Her color palette is mostly composed of blue hues, complemented by primary colors usually found on racing or docked boats. She uses these bright primary colors to bring in some joy in a canvas filled with blue hues, something that is commonly experienced while you ‘re out sailing in a large lake or ocean; where the water mass and the sky seem to be endless.